Thursday, June 17, 2010

More ways with RSS

I still have my Bloglines account from Learning 2.0,but I must admit that I haven't really looked at it in the last six months. I blame lack of time, but looking at some of the feeds today I realise that I should make time to use the tool as it contained very useful information.

Looking through the Filter tools I preferred the Feed rinse tool, it was relatively easy to use and suited my needs. Filter my RSS was a dead link and Feed Sifter wasn't as useful for me.

The RSS forwarding tools also have the potential to be very useful, I would most likely use the Feed my Inbox tool. If the feeds are appearing in my email I would be more likely to read them, however I would only use a few select feeds to prevent my email being overwhelmed.

Reminder Feed looked like it may have potential, but this would only work for me if I actually remember to visit my feed reader on a regular basis. The link for Spreed was also a dead link.

At the moment I have only subscribed to a few select feeds so lack of organisation hasn't really been a problem, however I can see that with a larger number of feeds it would be necessary to arrange them in a more organised way.


pls@slnsw said...

Thanks for the link comment - have fixed it now.

It sounds like you already have your feeds organised.

Ellen (PLS)