Thursday, October 18, 2007

23 Things - Week 5 - Part 3

As per instructions I have created my own Rollyo searchscroll called 23 Things
Once I created my search scroll and logged out I returned to the site as a member of the public.
I found that you had to go looking for the search scroll that I had just created, I haven't found a way to link directly to the scroll I created.
I think that generally it is a good idea once the scroll is created, but you have to either have the list of websites to start with or the time to search for the websites that you want to add to the search scroll.

Once created I thought the search the scroll performed was pretty good, but maybe that was just because I added appropriate websites - they do say garbage in - garbage out. I think in this case it was genius in - genius out!
(Stop Laughing)

That completes Week 5, I think the bit I liked best about this week was Library Thing, I could spend alot of time there if I don't control myself.

23 Things - Week 5 - Part 2

I have entered the domain of Library Thing -
As you will be able to see from my Library most of my current selections have a strong scifi, fantasy, horror leaning with an odd true crime included. Now if I listed every book I have in my bookshelves at home this is gonna be a really big list.

23 Things - Week 5 part 1

Hi Everyone
I have been playing with Image Generators - Week 5 of 23 Things
I found that a number of the generators that looked like a lot of fun were blocked by the IT policy - I'll have to try some of them out at home.

These are some of the images that I have created - links to the generator that I used for each one is next to/under the image.

23 Things is taking off into Outer Space

Finally Marian's Blog has an official street sign

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Week 4 Continued............

I have had a play with all of the search tools listed for locating blog and new feeds.
I found the best one to use and get results from was Syndic8 - I used a search of "library" on all of the search sites - on Syndic8 I got relevant search results and was able to use the Bloglines icon to subscribe to some, this did not work on all of the results, some would not subscribe.
Feedster looked flash and hip but the search results were junk and had no relevance to my search.
Technorati produced results that were all based on the entertainment world, there was none of the sites that Syndic8 found in the first couple of screens.
Topix also produced irrelevant search results, most of the sites seemed to be geared for those seeking entertainment based results rather than work related or more useful results.

Oh well, we live and we learn.

Week 4 - RSS Feeds

It's me again

I have followed the instructions and created a bloglines account and added a number of feeds. I have alot of problems with locating the URL as there is no share tab as shown in the insructions - I used information from the comments at the bottom to locate my URL so that I could post it.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Oops missed a bit in Week 3

Thought I'd finished by not quite.
I have had a look at the Flickr tools and the third party tools, the one I liked the look of most was Mosaica, which allows you to make photos into screensavers. I don't like most of the generic screen savers available and I'm loathe to download any from the Internet as there normally full of spyware. But to able to make your own out of a photo you've found that you really like is a great idea.

Week 3 finished (I think)

Flickr & more

Venturing on to Week 3 of the 23 Things program, I have explored the website that is Flickr, viewed photos from others, created an account and uploaded photo's of my own. I must admit that I didn't upload photo's of the library, but uploaded some N.Z photo's instead.
However finding the photo you uploaded from a public view appears to be next to impossible. This may mean I have to get better at tagging!
I uploaded the Coronet Peak photo that appears in my blog, as well as a photo of mount cook, fox glacier and a view from near Lake Tekapo.
I have also explored my account settings and changed accordingly.

I think that's Week 3 accomplished.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

I managed to insert a picture - wonders will never cease.

Friday, October 5, 2007

I did it!
Week 2 of Web 2.0 achieved - Blog created and posting made.

The 71/2 habits of lifelong learning - the easiest for me is to Take Responsibility for my own Learning, studying externally in high school as well as while working has given me lots of practise at taking responsibility for my learning.
The hardest for me will be to Play - I like having fun but taking the time to play at new technology is an effort, particularly as the In tray piles up.