Tuesday, July 27, 2010

More with Google Docs

Looking through the links for Google Doc Tips I really liked the 100 Great Google Doc Tips
The page was well structured with a very brief description of the purpose of each tip and then a link to more information. The neat structure made browsing easy and did not overload the user.

I also liked the Google Docs Guide: How to do stuff with Google Docs.
This page was more cluttered with Q & A sections with all the information on one screen, the user cannot select the question they have to view the answer. The information given appeared to be aimed at a more experienced user rather than a novice user.

The doc tips I would recommend are all the Time Saver in 100 Great Google Doc Tips and the Integration tips. These were particularly interesting and I can see myself visiting these two pages regularly.


CatyJ said...

You can also subscribe to the GoogleDocs blog rss feed so you know what new things are happening there too - dry but interesting!