Thursday, October 18, 2007

23 Things - Week 5 - Part 3

As per instructions I have created my own Rollyo searchscroll called 23 Things
Once I created my search scroll and logged out I returned to the site as a member of the public.
I found that you had to go looking for the search scroll that I had just created, I haven't found a way to link directly to the scroll I created.
I think that generally it is a good idea once the scroll is created, but you have to either have the list of websites to start with or the time to search for the websites that you want to add to the search scroll.

Once created I thought the search the scroll performed was pretty good, but maybe that was just because I added appropriate websites - they do say garbage in - garbage out. I think in this case it was genius in - genius out!
(Stop Laughing)

That completes Week 5, I think the bit I liked best about this week was Library Thing, I could spend alot of time there if I don't control myself.


CatyJ said...

Oh how the humble never fall over their own feet ! Plleeease!! Genius in - genius out! You've spent too long as your own Acting Team Leader!!
All that aside I am thrilled at how far you have come with the 23 Things concept - only where are all the postings to the CNRL blog? Hhmmmm??
Once you've done the 23 Things remember you can move on to 43 Things and so on as the Web 2.0 world expands and the phenomenon of social networking destroys the known web universe - something to look forward to!